Cultural Sensitivity in Governance: Key Insights from Kosovo (PAR 2024) Panel 11
Prof Gerald Karyeija has woken debate about cultural sensitivities in public Governance at the Kosovo (PAR 2024) Conference. Culture in Public Administration brought crucial insights into the intersec ...
UMI Director Programs, Dr. Kasozi elected to MoodleMoot Africa Policy Draft Council
Moodle Moot Africa 2024 is a unique opportunity for the Moodle community across Africa and beyond to meet, share best practices, and enhance the quality of eLearning in a digitally connected world. It ...
New Course to give Drivers Transport and Logistics Skills
Transport and logistics management is among the key technical courses that students are encouraged to study in Uganda today. This is because a good transportation system in the country can only be ma ...
Prof. Karyeija talks about Compliance as a tool towards a Research & Science Anchored Institute
UMI, has set itself a mission to be a research led Institute. The mission has a number of arms towards it and central in the journey is compliance. We spoke to Ass. Prof Gerald Kagambirwe Karyeija, th ...